Tuesday, June 5, 2007

random thoughts...

My first post... just wanted to share 10 random thoughts that i have come to learn through life's experiences.

+Bitterness only poisons the people around you.+
+Love always ends at one point or another... and everyone's experiences pain from it, not just YOU.+
+When you are miserable, nobody cares... might as well be happy.+
+Silence gets you nowhere.+
+Over thinking ruins the happy moments of life and makes the sad moments even worse than it possibly could.+
+Faking yourself for the sake of appearances never does you any good in any way.+
+Trying hard is never enough, you have to GIVE IT ALL you've got.+
+Wishing on stars only get you nowhere. Try to make your own destiny in life, not on some foreign object you know nothing about.+
+Letting other people know EVERYTHING about you is unhealthy. You have to have your PERSONAL space.+
+Loneliness is one's own doing.+

I have personally experienced these things in my life and can give justice to everything that I have stated above. I just wish I'd follow all these thoughts though...


Trinnove Technology Solutions said...

ei...where dya get all of these...?
Indeed you're right...
I once had my taste of the world and these thoughts of yours are enough shield to prevent self brokenness...

Continue blogging mel...there are more to it than just posting...

I'm just a few blocks away if you have any questions...don't hesitate to come near... :)

meLoN said...

just things I learned from life's experiences...;]

thanx yanee..